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最新全球项目招标信息232号 23年8月25日 본문

글로벌플랜트소식지 (2019-현재)

最新全球项目招标信息232号 23年8月25日

조성환 2023. 8. 27. 09:52

Latest News and Updates on Global Plant Projects

最新全球项目招标信息232 23825





No. Country Project Name Status
1   Qatar
  NFS LNG Offplot Facilities Project
  北部南侧  天然液化气 界区外设施工程
  EPC Awarded
2   UAE
  Habshan 5 Gas Plant CO2 Recovery Project
  Habshan 5 瓦斯生产厂建设二氧化碳回收设施工程
3   Hassyan Phase 1 IWP Project
  Hassyan 第一阶段 民营海水淡化工程
  EPC Awarded
4   ADNOC Gas Processing Project 5.0

  FEED Awarded
5   Saudi
  Amiral Independent Steam & Power Plant Project
  Satorp公司 Amiral 民营热发电厂项目
  BOO Awarded
6   Libya
  New South Tripoli Gas-Fired Power Plant Project
  Tripoli 南部新区 瓦斯发电厂项目
  EPC Awarded
7   Thailand
  Map Ta Phut New Green Ethylene Plant Project
  Map Ta Phut 新环保乙烯装置项目
8   Indonesia 
  Legok Nangka Waste to Energy Project
  Java Legok Nangka 废弃物转换能源设施项目
  BOO Awarded
9   India
  Bandhaura Coal-Fired Power Plant Phase 2 Project
  EPC Awarded
10   Sri Lanka
  Siyambalanduwa Solar PV Project
  Siyambalanduwa 太阳能光伏项目
  BOO Awarded
11   Australia
  Verus Project
  ENI公司, Verus项目
12   Canada
  Bécancour Cathode Material Plant Project
  Bécancour 阴极材料生产设施工程
  FEED Awarded
13   USA
  Texas Concho Solar Power Project
  德州 Concho 太阳光发点基地工程项目
  BOO Awarded
14   Poland
  Tarnów Ammonium Nitrate Solution Plant Project
  Tarnow 硝酸铵溶液 项目
  Licensor Selected


Middle Wast (中东)


1. [Qatar] NFS LNG Offplot Facilities Project (EPC Awarded)

    【卡塔尔】 北部南侧  天然液化气 界区外设施工程(总包决定)


Project Name: NFS LNG Offplot Facilities Project

Owner: QatarEnergy

Location: Ras Laffan, Qatar

Capacity: Offplot Facilities

Amount: U$ 560 Mill.

  -Técnicas Reunidas was awarded an EPC contract worth $560M for NFS LNG Offplot facilities on 23 Aug. 2023.

  -TR will build the pipelines, interconnections, ancillary systems, and other supporting components.

  -The scope includes the LNG rundown lines, BOG recovery and utility pipelines and export facilities in Ras Laffan.

  -The scope also includes the commissioning of LNG Tanks, LNG loading berth, and BOG compressors.

  -The project is expected to be completed in 2028.


卡塔尔能源公司招标的 北部南侧  天然液化气 界区外设施工程 总包公司为 西班牙TR823 5.6亿美元获取。TR公司工程内容是在Rash Laffan产业基地建设管道链接,蒸发气体回收设施, 动力管道,出口设施 等。 工程将会 2028年完成。



2. [UAE] Habshan 5 Gas Plant CO2 Recovery Project (Frontrunner)

【阿联酋】 Habshan 5 瓦斯生产厂建设二氧化碳回收设施工程 (最优势者)


Project Name: Habshan 5 Gas Plant CO2 Recovery Project

Owner: ADNOC Gas Processing

Location: Habshan 5 Gas Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Capacity: 1.9 MTPA of CO2 Capture

Amount: U$ 500 Mill.

FEED: Worley


  -The project involves the units for CO2 recovery, primary compression, triethylene glycol dehydration, and enhancement  of existing tail gas treatment.

  -The project is expected to capture 1.9 MTPA of CO2 from the Habshan 5 gas plant.

  -Four firms submitted commercial bids include Tecnimont, Petrofac, L&T and Sinopec/Archirodon in May 2023.

  -It is understood that Petrofac is the frontrunner for the EPC contract on 23 Aug. 2023.

  -The confirmed winner will be revealed in Sep. 2023.


阿联酋Gas Processing 公司 招标的 Habshan 瓦斯第5生产厂二氧化碳回收设施工程竞标中,823日 传消息说 英国 Petrofac优势于意大利德西尼蒙, 印度 L&T,中国中石化工程和希腊Archirodon联合体。其项目是 Habshan5瓦斯生产厂内建设190万吨/年碳捕集设施的5亿美元规模的工程。 最总中标公司将会239月决定公布。



3. [UAE] Hassyan Phase 1 IWP Project (EPC Awarded)

【阿联酋】 Hassyan 第一阶段 民营海水淡化工程 (总包公司决定)


Project Name: Hassyan Phase 1 IWP Project

Owner: DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority)

Location: Hassyan, Dubai, UAE

Capacity: 180 MIGD of SWRO

Amount: U$ 914 Mill.


  -Dewa announced the commencement of a competitive tender process to select a developer on 14 Aug. 2022.

  -The desalinated water will be produced by renewable energy and waste heat.

  -The ITB was issued on 14 Dec. 2022.

  -Engie, ACWA Power, GS Inima and Metito participated in pre-tender meeting in Feb. 2023.

  -DEWA received two bids from ACWA Power and TAQA (Abu Dhabi National Energy Co.) on 22 May 2023.

  -ACWA Power submitted a world record of the lowest bid of 0.36536 USD/M3 of desalinated water.

  -ACWA Power was selected as the Preferred Bidder on 16 Aug. 2023.

  -A consortium of Sepco 3 and Sidem was selected as the EPC contractor.

  -The Project will be commissioned in phases by 2026.


迪拜水电局(DEWA)招标的 Hassyan 民营海水淡化第一阶段工程竞标结果, 最低标投标的沙特ACWA Power公司赢了阿联酋TAQA, 816日选定了优先协商公司。总包上的合作单位决定为 中国SepcoIII和法国 Sidem联合体。其项目是 利用再生能源和废热,海水反渗透方式在Hassyan地区建设1.8亿桶/年海水淡化的设施。整个工程预算为9.14亿美元。计划2026年商业投产。



4. [UAE] Project 5.0 (FEED Awarded)

【阿联酋】 ADNOC Gas Processing Project 5.0 (FEED公司选定)


Project Name: Project 5.0

Owner: Adnoc Gas Processing

Location: Das Island, Asab, Bu Hasa, Habshan & Habshan 5 Facilities, UAE

Capacity: Modifications of Onshore Gas Facilities to Increase Oil Production Capacity to 5 Mill. B/D

Amount: U$ 1,000 Mill.

Pre-FEED/FEED: Wood (2023)


  -The project will carry out modifications at the five gas facilities to increase oil production capacity to 5 miil. B/D.

  -The project also includes utilities & offsite facilities and demolition of existing surface facilities.

  -Wood was awarded a Pre-FEED and FEED contract for the strategic gas expansion project on 24 Aug. 2023.

  -Technip Energies and Worley were also said to be in contention for the coveted project, but lost out to Wood.

  -The project is likely to begin phased commissioning, as early as 2027.


ADNOC Gas Processing招标的 Project5.0 Pre-FEEDFEED工作公司为 824日英国Wood击败 法国Technip Energies和澳大利亚 Worley 最终获取其工作。其项目是 原油产量提高到500万桶/日, 改造Das IslandAsab Bu Hasa HabshanHabshan5 基地的瓦斯生产设施改造/维修的 10亿美元的工程。 计划 27年试车。



5. [Saudi Arabia] Amiral Independent Steam & Power Plant Project (BOO Awarded)

【沙特阿拉伯】 Satorp公司 Amiral 民营热发电厂项目 BOO单位决定)


Project Name: Amiral Cogeneration Independent Steam & Power Plant Project

Owner: Satorp

Owner JV: Aramco 62.5%, TotalEnergies 37.5%

Location: Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Capacity: 470MW

Amount: U$ 600 Mill.


  -The tender document was issued on 28 Nov. 2022.

  -The bids were submitted by Kepco/Aljomaih, ACWA Power/Marafiq, and JERA/TAQA on 19 Apr. 2023.

  -JERA/TAQA consortium received the conditional award notice on 18 Aug. 2023.

  -Contract award is expected in Sep. 2023.

  -The project is expected to be completed in 2025.


沙特阿美和 法国道达尔能源合资企业 Satorp”公司招标的 Amiral 民营热发电厂项目BOO单位为 818日带着条件日本最大发电企业 JERA和阿布扎比政府能源公司 TAQA联合体收取订单。参与其招标竞标公司为 沙特 ACWA Power/Marafiq联合体,韩国韩电/Aljomaih联合体也 419日投过标。本合同将会9月签署。其项目是在Jubail产业基地内所在的Amir阿里石化厂内BOO方式建设470MW级热发电厂的 6亿美元的工程。 计划2025年投产。


Africa (非洲)


6. [Libya] New South Tripoli Gas-Fired Power Plant Project (EPC Awarded)

【利比亚】Tripoli 南部新区 瓦斯发电厂项目 (总包决定)


Project Name: New South Tripoli Gas-Fired Power Plant Project

Owner: GECOL (General Electricity Company of Libya)

Location: South Tripoli, Libya

Capacity: 1,320MW

Amount: U$ 900 Mill.


  -GECOL laid the foundation stone for the gas-fired power plant on 20 Aug. 2023.

  -The project will be carried out by Turkish company Çalık in collaboration with Siemens.

  -The project includes 4 units of 330 MW CCPP and a substation.

  -The project is slated for completion within 15 months.

  -The project expected to start operation by the end of 2024.



利比亚电力局(GECOL)招标的 Tripoli 南部新区 瓦斯发电厂项目 820日隆重举行了开工典礼。其工程是 Tripoli南区建设 1,320MW级联系循环瓦斯发电厂的 9亿美元规模的工程。 土耳其 Calik公司核德国 Simens共同履行其项目的总包工程。工程期为 15个月, 计划24年年底投产


Asia (亚洲)


7. [Thailand] Map Ta Phut New Green Ethylene Plant Project (Planning)

[泰国] Map Ta Phut 新环保乙烯装置项目 (规划)


Project Name: Map Ta Phut New Green Ethylene Plant Project

Owner: Braskem Siam Co. Ltd.

Owner JV: Braskem and SCG Chemicals

Location: Map Ta Phut, Rayong, Thailand

Capacity: 200,000T/Y of I’m Green Bio-based Polyethylene

Amount: U$ 300 Mill.

Licensor: Lummus/Braskem for EtE EverGreen Technology


  -Braskem and SCG Chemicals signed a JV agreement to create Braskem Siam Co. Ltd. On 17 Aug. 2023.

  -The JV will produce bio-ethylene from bio-ethanol dehydration and to commercialize “I’m green” bio-based PE.

  -EtE EverGreen technology developed by Lummus and Braskem will be used for the project.

  -I’m green™ bio-based polyethylene is a plastic made from renewable raw material (ethanol from sugar cane).


巴西大型石化公司 Braskem 泰国 SCG化工公司为泰国建设新环保乙烯厂 87日签署合作公司合作意向书。称为Braskem Siam的合作企业, 将会利用生物乙醇脱水工艺生产生物乙烯, 接着 称为 I’m Green”新技术为基础将会商业化聚乙烯新工艺。其项目是 Lummus Braskem一起开发的 EtE‘, 利用Ever Green 技术, Rayong Map Ta Phut 建设 20万吨/年生物聚乙烯生产设施的 3亿美元规模工程。



8. [Indonesia] Legok Nangka Waste to Energy Project (BOO Awarded)

【印度尼西亚】Java Legok Nangka 废弃物转换能源设施项目 BOO公司选定)


Project Name:  Legok Nangka Waste to Energy Project

Owner: West Java Provincial Government

Developer JV: Sumitomo Corp., Hitachi Zosen, and PT Energia Prima Nusantara (EPN)

Location: Legok Nangka, Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia

Capacity: 2,000T/D of Wastes and 20MW of Power

Amount: U$ 277 Mill.


  -This the first PPP Waste to Energy project in Indonesia,

  -A consortium led by Sumitomo received a Letter of Award for the project on 9 Aug. 2023.

  -The consortium led by Sumitomo Corp. in partnership with Hitachi Zosen and PT Energia Prima Nusantara.

  -JICA has supported the project since 2019 to develop the first bankable PPP Waste to Energy project.

  -JICA will continue to support West Java Province to reach financial close in the project.

  -The project is expected to be completed in 2026.


印度尼西亚西Java州政府招标的 Legok Nangka废弃物转换成能源设施项目竞标结果 日本住友商社联合体89日获取了中标通知书。住友联合体为 住友商社/日立造船/印尼 PT. EPN构成。其项目是 处理2,000/日废弃物, 生产20MW电力的项目,总投资金额为2.77亿美元, 计划26年投产。 日本国际合作机构 JICA 2019年开始支持了其项目而印度尼西亚开发了第一个PPP废弃物转换为能源的项目,JICA将会全力支持其项目的圆满结束。



9. [India] Bandhaura Coal-Fired Power Plant Phase 2 Project (EPC Awarded)

【印度】 Bandhaura煤炭火力发电厂第2阶段项目 (总包决定)


Project Name: Bandhaura Coal-Fired Power Plant Phase 2 Project

Owner: Mahan Energen Ltd.  (A Subsidiary of Adani Power)

Location: Bandhaura in Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh, India

Capacity: 1,600MW (2 x 800MW Supercritical)

Amount: U$ 2,400 Mill.


  -BHEL was awarded a contract worth $480M on 21 Aug. 2023.

  -BHEL's scope includes the supply of main equipment and auxiliaries with supervision of erection & commissioning.

  -The project is expected to start commercial operation in 2027.


印度 Adani Power 子公司 Mahan Energen招标的 Bandhaura煤炭火力发电厂第2阶段扩建项目的主要设备供应商选为 821日印度国营发电设备制造公司BHEL签署。BHEL的供应范围为 发电主机和补助设备供应/试车及监理, 合同金额为 4.8亿美元。其项目是在Bandhaura地区投入24亿美元建设1,600MW级煤炭发电厂的工程。 计划27年开工。



10. [Sri Lanka] Siyambalanduwa Solar PV Project (BOO Awarded)

【斯里兰卡】 Siyambalanduwa 太阳能光伏项目 BOO决定)


Project Name:  Siyambalanduwa Solar PV Project

Owner: CEB (Ceylon Electricity Board)

Developer JV: The Blue Circle 40%, WindForce 30%, and Lakdhanavi 30%

Location: Siyambalanduwa, Monaragala District, Sri Lanka

Capacity: 100MW

Amount: U$ 152 Mill.


  -The tender was floated in Dec. 2022.

  -A consortium of WindForce, Lakdhanavi, and The Blue Circle was awarded to develop solar PV on 18 Aug. 2023.

  -The Blue Circle of Singapore holds 40% equity, while WindForce and Lakdhanavi share the remaining 60%.

  -PPA is expected to be signed with CEB by 30 Oct. 2023.

  -The tariff will be denominated in US dollars but will be paid in rupees.

  -The project includes 100 MW solar PV, a 12MWh BESS, a substation, and a 27km transmission line.

  -The project is scheduled for financial closure by 24 Jan. 2024

  -The project is expected to be completed by Dec. 2025.


斯里兰卡电力局 CEB招标的 Siyambalanduwa太阳能发电项目开发业务为 星加坡 The Blue Circle/斯里兰卡 Wind Force/Lakdhanavi3家联合体 818日最终签署。新加波 Blue Circle 40%wind force Lakdhanavi 60%CEB的长期购买电力的合同将会 231030日位置签订。使用电价为美元表示但支付用当地货币。其工程为 12MWh电储存设施,变电所, 27公里输电等 在Siyambalanduwa地区建设100MW级太阳光发电厂的 1.52亿美元的工程。 项目贷款将会241月内完成, 2512月投产为目标的工程。


Oceania (大洋洲)


11. [Australia] Verus Project (Planning)

【澳大利亚】 ENI公司, Verus项目 (规划)


Project Name: Verus Project

Owner: ENI

Owner JV: ENI 65%, Petronas 25%, and Osaka Gas 10%

Location: Evans Shoal Gas Field, Offshore Northern Territory, Australia

Capacity: FPSO of 900MMSCFD, CCS, 4 MTPA of New LNG Train and 380Km Subsea Pipeline

Amount: U$ 7,000 Mill.

Pre-FEED: EniProgetti (2022)


  -The project is also known as Evans Shoal gas field development.

  -The field contains 10 Tcf of gas in place but with a carbon dioxide content of 28%.

  -ENI announced to be approaching an FID for Verus (Evans Shoal) project on 23 Aug. 2023.

  -ENI aims to incorporate new 900MMSCFD FPSO, CO2 storage, new LNG train, and subsea gas pipeline.

  -A 380km subsea gas export pipeline will transport the gas to the existing Darwin LNG plant.

  -A new LNG train with a production capacity of up to 4 MTPA will be built at the Darwin facility.

  -The gas is piped to the Darwin LNG where CO2 is separated, treated, and sent back to the depleted Bayu-Undan field.

  -Eni’s subsidiary EniProgetti was awarded for pre-FEED on 15 Jun. 2022, and completed the work.

  -FEED for FPSO and subsea works is expected to start in H2 2023.

  -Eni is said to be targeting an FID in mid-2024 after which the construction phase will begin.

  -The project is expected to be completed in 2026.


823日意大利ENI公司发表说, 所称为“ Evans Shoal瓦斯田开发“的 Verus项目的董事会最总头做决定会即将召开。其项目是为了扩大出口到亚洲地区建设 9亿立方米/日的FPSO 碳捕集和储存设施,400万吨/年液化装置及上当于380公里的海底管网等的70亿美元规模的工程项目。Verus瓦斯田生产的天然气输送到Dawin LNG生产装置分离二氧化碳, 分离出来的二氧化碳将会送到枯竭的Bayu-Undan油田储存。ENI的子公司Rni-Progetti已做完Pre-FEED FPSO和海底工程FEED将会是23年蒂季度开始进行。最终董事会投资决定会, 计划 24年中半期召开, 项目完工目标为 26年年底。


America (美洲)


12. [Canada] Bécancour Cathode Material Plant Project (FEED Awarded)

【加拿大】 Becancour 阴极材料生产设施工程 (FEED 公司选定)


Project Name: Bécancour Cathode Material Plant Project

Owner: EcoPro CAM Canada

Owner JV: EcoPro BM, SK On, and Ford

Location: Bécancour Port, Quebec, Canada

Capacity: 45,000T/Y of Nickel Cobalt Manganese (NCM)

Amount: U$ 900 Mill. (C$1.2B)        

Licensor: EcoPro's Core Shell Gradient (CSG) Technology

FEED: SNC-Lavalin ($104M, 2023)


  -The cathode is an essential battery material that crucially affects battery performance.

  -SK On, EcoPro BM, and Ford signed a LOI to invest in cathode material production plant on 22 Jul. 2022.

  -SK On, EcoPro BM, and Ford established a local subsidiary, EcoPro CAM Canada, in Feb. 2023.

  -The cathode materials will be supplied to BlueOval SK (a JV between SK & Ford), a battery production plant.

  -SNC-Lavalin was selected as a prime contractor on 2 Aug. 2023.

  -SNC-Lavalin was awarded a C$141M initial works contract to for C$1.2B project on 21 Aug. 2023.

  -SNC-Lavalin will provide concept & basic design, and project management and delivery related to the plant.

  -The project is expected to start producing in April 2026.


Echo Pro CAM Canada 招标的 Becancour 阴极材料生产厂房工程的 FEED PMC 公司为 821SNC-Lavalin 1.04亿美元签署。SNC-Lavalin将会提供生产设施的概念和基本设计, 加上项目管理业务。其项目是利用Eco Pro BM公司的 CSG技术, Becancour 建设生产45,000/年阴极材料生产厂的9亿美元(12亿加币)的项目。 投产目标为 264月。为此项目韩国SK-On Eco Pro BM和美国福特汽车公司232月已成立了合作企业 ‘Eco Pro Chem Canada‘公司。



13. [USA] Texas Concho Solar Power Project (BOO Awarded)

【美国】 德州 Concho 太阳光发点基地工程项目 BOO公司选定)


Project Name:  Texas Concho Solar Power Project

Owner: Team Korea (SK Ecoplant, KIND, and Others)

Developer JV: SK ecoplant, KIND, PIS Fund, EIP Asset Management, HDEC, and Topsun

Location: Concho County, Texas, USA

Capacity: 459MW

Amount: U$ 447 Mill.


  -Team Korea signed agreements for an investment and business right acquisition for the project on 17 Aug. 2023.

  -Team Korea is composed of KIND, PIS Fund, EIP Asset Management, SK ecoplant, HDEC and Topsun.

  -KIND (Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development), PIS Fund, and EIP sill support the financing.

  -SK ecoplant secured exclusive EPC rights to the project.

  -HDEC and Topsun will supply solar modules.

  -Construction is expected to start at the beginning of 2024.

  -The plant will operate for 35 years after completion, and the power will be sold to global big tech companies.

  -The project is expected to be completed in 2026.


韩国民营企业/国营单位/政府基金等6家企业构成的 Team Korea 816日和817日个签署了 德州Concho太阳光基金投资合同及事业权力接管合同。Team Korea成员为 韩国海外城市基建开发支援公司(KIND),PISPlant/Infra/Smart City)基金,EIP资产管理公司,SK Eco Plant 现代建设等 韩国顶级公司构成。其项目是 在德州Concho县建设 459MW级太阳光发电厂的 4.47亿美元规模的项目。其项目是24年初开工,计划26年投产。发电厂投产後经营35年, 生产的电将会销售给国际大企业。KIND/PIS基金/EIP资产管理公司负责项目贷款, SK Eco Plant 负责 EPC 现代建设和 Topsun负责供应太阳光模块。


Europe (欧洲)


14. [Poland] Tarnów Ammonium Nitrate Solution Plant Project (Licensor Selected)

【波兰】 Tarnow 硝酸铵溶液 项目(专利商选定)


Project Name: Tarnów Ammonium Nitrate Solution Plant Project

Owner: Azoty Group

Location: Tarnów, Poland

Capacity: 1,500T/D

Amount: U$ 1,000 Mill.

Licensor: thyssenkrupp Uhde for Ammonium Nitrate Technology


  -thyssenkrupp Uhde signed a contract to supply a new ammonium nitrate neutralization plant on 21 Aug. 2023.

  -thyssenkrupp Uhde is responsible for the licensing, basic engineering and supply of the process equipment.

  -thyssenkrupp also provide consulting services for the detail engineering, construction, and commissioning.

  -Construction is scheduled for Q1 or Q2 of 2024

  -The project is due to be completed in Q4 2025.


波兰最大的化工企业 Azoty Group 招标的 Tarnow硝酸铵溶液生产设施专利技术821日选为 德国TThyssenkrupp Uhde公司。Thyssenkrupp Uhde公司将会提供工艺有关主要设备,详细设计,施工及有关试车的咨询业务。其项目是在Tarnow地区建设硝酸铵溶液1,500/日生产设施的工程,工程预算为 10亿美元。工期为 244月开工, 哇年第4季度试车。

