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Latest Newsletter in Chinese (No. 186, Issued on 7 Oct. 2022) 본문

글로벌플랜트소식지 (2019-현재)

Latest Newsletter in Chinese (No. 186, Issued on 7 Oct. 2022)

조성환 2022. 10. 10. 22:54

We are pleased to inform you that the global plant project newsletter is now being published in Chinese. The full text of recent newsletter (No. 186 issued on 7 October 2022) is released as below. If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter in Chinese version, please contact our China office (Hangzhou KESCO Construction Consulting Co., Ltd., Email: wsyang2001@naver.com, Phone: +86-137-5819-9907).


 Latest News and Updates on Global Plant Projects


1. [Qatar] Ras Laffan Petrochemical Plant-Ethane Cracker Package (Bid Evaluation)

    [卡塔尔] Rash Laffan 乙烷裂解成套装置项目 (标书评估)


Project Name: Ras Laffan Petrochemical Plant Project-Ethane Cracker Package

Owner: Qatar Energy (QE)

Owner JV: QE 70% and Chevron Phillips Chemical 30%

Location: Ras Laffan, Qatar

Capacity: 1,900,000T/Y of Ethane Cracker

Amount: U$ 3,000 Mill.

FEED: JGC (2020)


-EPC ITBs were issued into two packages, ethane cracker ($3B) and two HDPE derivative units ($2B) in Oct. 2021.

-Technical bids for ethane cracker package were submitted on 11 May 2022.

-Two consortiums, JGC/Technip Energies and SECL/CTCI/Saipem, submitted commercial bids on 7 Aug. 2022.

-A consortium of SECL/CTCI/Saipem emerged as a front-runner to win the contract on 29 Sep. 2022.

-Contract award is expected in Q4 2022.

-The project is scheduled to come online by 2025.


 卡塔尔国家石油公司招标的 Rash Laffan 石油化工项目中 乙烷裂解装置 成套项目中, 三星/中鼎/Saipem联合体击败了日晖/德西尼布能源 联合体, 929日业主方面消息传出。这项目是全世界最大的年产190万吨规模的 乙烷装置, Ras Laffan 地区建设的 30亿美元的项目, 其项目的 前端设施是 日晖已完成, 计划 2025年年底试车。



2. [Qatar] Ras Laffan Petrochemical-HDPE & U&O Package (EPC to be Awarded)

    [卡塔尔] Ras Laffan 高密度聚乙烯 装置和 能源及非装置区 工程 (等待中标公司宣布)


Project Name: Ras Laffan Petrochemical Plant Project-HDPE & U&O Package

Owner: Qatar Energy (QE)

Owner JV: QE 70% and Chevron Phillips Chemical 30%

Location: Ras Laffan, Qatar

Capacity:  1,680,000T/Y of Two HDPE and Utility & Offsites

Amount: U$ 2,000 Mill.

FEED: DL E&C ($12.8M, 2020)


-EPC ITBs were issued into two packages, ethane cracker ($3B) and two HDPE derivative units ($2B) in Oct. 2021.

-Technical bids were submitted on 11 May 2022.

-The three players, DL E&C/HDEC, Tecnimont, and TR, submitted commercial bids on 7 Aug. 2022.

-It is understood that Tecnimont emerged as a front-runner to win the contract on 29 Sep. 2022.

-Contract award is expected in Q4 2022.

-The project is scheduled to come online by 2025.


 卡塔尔能源公司 招标的 Ras Laffan 石油化工 项目中 高密度聚乙烯装置和 公用工程及非装置区工程项目招标中 传出消息是 意大利泰克利蒙特,大林工程/现代建设联合体,TR 等激烈竞争中 泰克里蒙特公司拿了第一名 优先竞标公司。 这消息929日被传出。 这包是 年产 168万吨的高密度聚乙烯装置和公用工程及非装置区 工程构成的20亿美元项目。 大林工程完成了 高密度聚乙烯装置和公用工程及非装置的前端设计。 计划 2022年第四季度签合同, 2025年年底试车的计划。



3. [UAE] Upper Zakum Field Expansion (UZ1000) Project (EPC to be Tendered)

[阿联酋] Upper Zakum 油田扩建(UZ1000)项目 (总包招标将会进行)


Project Name: Upper Zakum Field Expansion (UZ1000) Project

Owner: Adnoc Offshore

Owner: Adnoc 60%, ExxonMobil 28% & Jodco 12%

Location: Upper Zakum Offshore Field, UAE

Capacity: Expansion from 750,000B/D to 1,000,000B/D (Package #1 for Surface Facilities, #2 for Subsea Pipelines)

Amount: U$ 8,000 Mill.

FEED: Tecnicas Reunidas ($17M, 2019)

PMC for FEED: Wood


-Adnoc with its partners ExxonMobil & Jodco announced to undertake UZ1000 project on 7 May 2019.

-The 24 contractors submitted PQ proposal on 25 Nov. 2019.

-The tender will be developed into two packages.

-Package 1 covers the development of surface facilities, and the package 2 covers the subsea pipelines.

-Adnoc appears to be in a rush to build on their production capacities, before the world’s oil demand starts declining.

-This fast-track capacity enhancement plan is to be approved by Adnoc’s board, which meets in Nov. 2022.

-The bid process for EPC stage would be launched in Nov. or Dec. 2022.

-The project is now targeting a massive capacity boost by 2025, instead of the previous 2030 target.


 阿联酋国家海洋石油公司投资的 Upper Zakum 油田扩建项目 总包招标将会11月或 12月进行。 这项目是 油田的原油产量 75万桶/ 提高到 100万桶/日的 生产设施 水注入/排出,压缩设施 建设在人造岛上的工程和 这些装置和练接的海底管道管网工程构成的 80亿美元规模的 项目。

阿联酋国家石油公司意图是世界需求量减少之前胯间产量提高为目标 而加快项目速度。  包含阿联酋国家石油公司和 投资合作方即将11月开董事会,同意这加快速度的项目。加上 原计划商业生产日期 2030年改为提前 2025



4. [UAE] Mirfa 2 Independent Water Project (Developer Selected)

    [阿联酋] 水电公司 Mirfa 2 民营投资的淡水化工厂 (开发商招标)


Project Name: Mirfa 2 Independent Water Project

Owner: EWEC

Location: Mirfa, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Capacity: Option 1 for 80 MIGD (363,680 M3/D), and Option 2 for 120 MIGD (Million Imperial Gallons a Day)

Amount: U$ 400 Mill.


-EWEC invited developers to submit EOI in its planned Mirfa 2 IWP on 15 Feb 2021.

-EOI was submitted by Acciona, Acwa Power, Engie, GS Inima, Marubeni, Sojitsu, and Utico on 4 Mar. 2021.

-A total of 41 companies submitted EOIs, while 22 companies have pre-qualified for the RFP.

-The RFP was issued to qualified bidders on 22 Nov. 2021.

-The bidders include Acciona, Acwa Power, Cobra, Engie, FCC Aquila, IDE Water, JERA, Marubeni, and Veolia.

-The commercial bids were submitted by Acciona, Acwa Power/Doosan, Engie and GS Inima/Metito on 31 May 2022.

-For 80 MIGD, Acciona submitted the lowest bid. The 2nd lowest is Engie.

-For 120 MIGD, Engie submitted the lowest bid. The 2nd lowest is Acciona.

-Engie consortium was selected as a developer on 2 Oct. 2022.

-The project is expected to start commercial operations is Q2 2025.


阿联酋 谁电力公社招标的 Mirfa 2阶段民营投资的淡水化工程项目开发商招标中 法国 Engie 联合击败了 西班牙 Acciona/Acwa Power/斗山 联合体 及 GS Inima/Metito 联合体 而 102日被选为这项目的开发商。过去531日截止的招标中 提供了 两种方案。 一是 80MIGD 装置方案是 西班牙 Acciona 联合体为最低标, 二是 120MIGD装置方案是 法国Engie 报了最低标。 这项目是 在  Mirfa 地区以 BOO形式建日产八千万桶或1.2亿万通 RO型淡水化工厂的 四亿美元的项目。预计 2025年第二季度商业投产目标。.



5. [Iraq] Ratawi Gas Processing Plant Project (EPCM Tendering)

    [伊拉克] 道达尔能源公司 Ratawi 炼气装置项目 EPCM 招标 中)


Project Name: Ratawi Gas Processing Plant Project

Owner: Total Energies & Ministry of Oil

Location: Ratawi, Al-Basrah Province, Iraq

Capacity: 600MMSCFD to Capture Flared Gas, 12,000B/D of Condensate, and 3,000T/D of LPG

Amount: U$ 3,400 Mill.



-Iraq’s Oil Ministry and Honeywell/Bechtel signed a MOU for the Ratawi gas hub on 17 Jul. 2019.

-Bechtel, Honeywell & Enka expected to sign an EPC contract for gas plant by end of 2019.

-But the MOU has not been reached, because Bechtel is out of the project due to disagreements between JV members.


-TotalEnergies signed an initial agreement with Iraq's oil ministry in Mar. 2021.

-Iraq's government approved the project planned by TotalEnergies on 25 Jul. 2021.

-TotalEnergies signed a deal to invest in the project on 6 Sep. 2021.

-TotalEnergies will mobilize its teams in Iraq by end of 2021.

-Iraqi government approved INOC as a financial partner with TotalEnergies for the project on 4 Oct. 2021.

-KBR was awarded a contract to carry out design work on 13 Jul. 2022.

-Total Energies is being discussed with KBR, Worley and other engineering firms for EPCM work as of 27 Sep. 2022.

-The value of EPCM work is about $400M.

-The tender for U$3B EPC works will be issued in Q2 2023.


927日传出消息,法国道达尔能源公司 为了促进 Ratawi 瓦斯加工项目的 EPCM 协议, 正在KBR, 沃利帕森斯 5个工程公司正在协商。这次EPCM合同金为 4亿美元规模, 包含 详细设计,设备采购管理等。 30亿美元规模的 总包招标为2023年中旬会实行。 这项目是 Ratawi 油田基地 回收火炬尾气,日产6亿立方米尾气处理的装置, 其投资预算为34亿美元。除了这些之外这套装置还可以生产12,000桶的 condensate3,000吨的液化气。原本Bechtel/honywell/ Enca  联合体2019年开始 推行了这项目, 但联合体内意见不一致而 2021年上月 法国道达尔和伊拉克石油部谈妥开发这项目。



6. [Kuwait] Al-Zour North 2 & 3 and Al-Khiran 1 IWPP Projects (PQ Stage)

    [科威特] Al-Zour 北部 23阶段 Al-Khiran IWPP、淡水化 项目 (预审标阶段)


Project Name: Al-Zour North 2 & 3 and Al-Khiran 1 IWPP Projects

Owner: KAPP (Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects)

Location: Al-Zour North, Kuwait


-Al-Zour IWPP for 2,700MW Gas Power and 120 MIGD Desalination Plant

-Al-Khiran IWPP for 1,800MW Gas Power Plant & 33 MIGD Desalination Plant

Amount: U$ 8,000 Mill. (($5B for Al-Zour, $3B for Al-Khiran)


-A consortium of E&Y (finance), Atkins (technical) & Addleshaw (legal) was selected for advisory services on 9 Feb. 2021.

-KAPP started PQ process from 4 Jul. 2022.

-The last date to purchase the RFQ package was 4 Aug. 2022.

-The bidders must upload all required RFQ elements onto the electronic portal on 16 Aug. 2022.

-PQ was submitted by Taqa, Acwa Power, Jera, Kepco, Mitsui, Nebras Power, and Sumitomo as of 14 Sep. 2022.

-The project will be tendered into two separate projects, Al-Zour 2 & 3 and Al-Khiran 1.

-Construction is likely to commence in 2023.

-The project is expected to enter into commercial operation in 2026.


科威特科威特公私合营管理局招标的 北部 Al-Zour 2, 3阶段, Al-Khiran 第一阶段民营发电厂 及淡水化项目预审截止。 914日传消息, 阿联酋 Tagalog,沙特 Acwa Power, 卡塔尔 Nebras Power 韩国电力公司 日本 Jerald Mitsui Sumitomo 7家公司参战。 这次招标是 2,700MW 瓦斯发电厂, 日产1.65桶淡水工厂的 北部Al-zour 2, 3阶段的项目 Al-Khiran 建设 1,800MW 发电厂 日产 33百万桶的淡水化工厂的 第一期项目来进行。 开工计划为 2023年末,试车计划为 2026年目标。



7. [Thailand] Rayong Carbon Black Plant Project (EPC Awarded)

    [泰国] 日本东海碳素公司 泰国 Rayong 黑炭项目 (总包公司公布)


Project Name: Rayong Carbon Black Plant Project

Owner: Thai Tokai Carbon Product

Location: Rayong, Thailand

Capacity: 180,000T/Y of Rubber Black

Amount: U$ 170 Mill.


-Tokai Carbon aims to relocate existing production operations from Sriracha to Rayong site by Apr. 2025.

-TTCL was awarded an EPC contract worth $170M on 26 Sep. 2022.

-TTCL is a JV between Japan’s Toyo Engineering Corp. with 49% share and Italian-Thai Development with 51%.

-The project is expected to be completed by Apr. 2025.


 高纯度石墨制品 生产公司的 东海碳素公司在泰国招标的 罗勇府 炭黑项目的总包公司是 泰国 TTCL926日意向书收到而 拿了1.7亿美元项目。 TTCL公司是 日本东阳工程公司和意大利-泰国开发公司 4951投资而成立的泰国合资公司。这项目是在Sriracha 现有的生产基地转移到罗勇府,投入 2.7亿美元而 新建 18万吨 炭黑项目。预计20237月开供, 计划 20254月完工目标。



8. [China] Zhanjiang Verbund EO/EG Plant Project (EPCM Awarded)

    [中国] 巴斯夫 广东 湛江 一体化基地 EO/EG项目 (EPCM 选定)


Project Name: Zhanjiang Verbund EO/EG Plant Project

Owner: BASF

Location: Verbund Chemicals Manufacturing Site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China

Capacity: 800,000T/Y of EO/EG

Amount: U$ 2,000 Mill.


-The FID was reached in July 2022.

-Fluor was awarded two reimbursable EPCM contracts worth $2B for EO/EG plant in China on 3 Oct. 2022.

-The scope includes ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol and infrastructure, offsites and utilities packages.


德国巴斯夫招标的 广东湛江 一体化基地 环氧乙烷和乙二醇装置项目的 EPCM业务为美国福禄 103日以20亿美元中标。这项目是 中国广东省湛江市 巴斯夫一体化基地内建设年产 89万吨的环氧乙烷和乙二醇的装置和公用工程和非工艺区建设项目。



9. [Indonesia] Batu Hijau-1 Combined Cycle Power Plant Project (EPC Awarded)

    [印度尼西亚] Batu Hijau-1 联合循环发电厂 项目 (总包已签合同)


Project Name: Batu Hijau-1 Combined Cycle Power Plant Project

Owner: PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMMAN)

Location: West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

Capacity: 450MW

Amount: U$ 500 Mill.


-AMMAN is a copper and gold mining and processing company in Indonesia.

-The plant configuration is two blocks consisting of 3 Siemens SGT800 gas turbines, 3 HRSGs and one steam turbine.

-Jurong Engineering Limited (JEL) and PT JEL signed an EPC contract on 26 Aug. 2022.

-JEL will supply large and engineering equipment for the plant.

-PT JEL is the construction and commissioning contractor for the project.

-The project is expected to be completed in 2025.


 印度尼西亚 矿产行业公司 Amman 招标的 Batu Hijau-1 联合循环发电厂项目的总包公司,826日选为新加坡 Jurong 工程公司。新加坡的 JEL公司 负责设备采购, 印度尼西亚 PT JEL.负责施工和试车。 这项目是 印度尼西亚第二大的铜矿所在的 Batu Hijau 地区,以西门子 SGT800 瓦斯涡轮机 6台,脱黄回收装置6台蒸汽涡轮机 3 构成的 450MW 级的联合循环发电厂项目。 其投资预算为5亿美元, 计划 2025年投产。  



10. [Philippines] Tanawon Geothermal Power Plant Project (EPC Awarded)

      [菲律宾] Tanawon 地热电力生产项目 (总包签协议)


Project Name: Tanawon Geothermal Power Plant Project

Owner: Energy Development Corp. (EDC)

Location: Sorsogon City, Bicol, Philippines

Capacity: 20MW

Amount: U$ 100 Mill.


-The plant is part of the expansion of existing Bacon-Manito geothermal facility.

-Exergy Development Group was contracted to supply radial outflow turbine on 10 Aug. 2022.

-First Balfour was awarded an EPC contract for BOP on 29 Sep. 2022.

-Toshiba ESS was contracted to supply Geoportable geothermal power generation system on 4 Oct. 2022.

-The scope includes 20MW steam turbine and generator, cooler, cooling tower, main transformer, and other auxiliaries.

-Toshiba ESS anticipates commencing system delivery in Jun. 2023.

-The project is expected to be completed in Nov. 2024.


 在菲律宾最大的地热生产公司 EDC招标的 Tanawon地热发电厂项目的主要设备供应商104日宣布为日本东芝能源。

东芝能源是 20MW级的 蒸汽涡轮机, 冷却机, 变压器 地热发电有关成套设备供应。 还有929日宣布菲律宾 First Balfour 公司 为补助设备供应及EPC公司. 项目是在Bicol 地区建设离心式涡轮机设计的 20MW级地热发电厂项目, 预计 2024 11月商业生产为目标。 总投资为 1亿美元。



11. [Australia] Bristol Springs Solar Farm & Green Hydrogen Plant Project (Planning)

      [大利亚] BristolSprings 太阳能发电基地 和 绿氢 装置项目 (计划)


Project Name: Bristol Springs Solar Farm & Green Hydrogen Plant Project

Owner: Frontier Energy Services

Location: South West Region, 120Km from Waroona, Western Australia

Capacity: 36.6MW Alkaline Electrolyser (4,400T/Y of Green H2) with 144MW Solar Farm

Amount: U$ 151 Mill. (A$236M)

Pre-FEED: Incite Energy for Solar Farm, and Xodus for Green Hydrogen


-Frontier Energy is developing green hydrogen plant which will be co-located with 114MW solar farm.

-Incite Energy was contracted to perform full FEED in Jun. 2022.

-Upon completion of FEED work by Incite Energy, two EPC contractors will be shortlisted.

-Xodus Group has been contracted to complete hydrogen plant study base on 114MW solar farm (Stage 1).

-The project is planned to be the lowest cost producers of green hydrogen in Australia.

-The capital cost for solar farm will be A$166M, and green hydrogen will be A$70M.

-EPC tender process will begin upon the completion of the Pre-FEED study, which will be issued in Q4 2022.

-Project finance is scheduled to begin in Q1 2023

-Construction is anticipated to begin in 2023.


澳大利亚 Frontier Energy Service 公司 2022930 发布, 在澳大利亚 Bristrol Springs地区开发 太阳发电基地和绿氢工厂项目。这项目的太阳发电容量为 144MW级是同时具备36.6MW碱电解设施的年产 4,400吨绿氢装置。这项目是投入1.5亿美元,在西澳大利亚的 Waroona建厂的项目。  今年6月澳大利亚 Incite Energy公司拿了 太阳光发电基地的 前端设计,Xodus Group 正在进行 绿氢装置的 Pre-Feed设计。 选总包的 招标江湖 今年第4季度发行。预计 2023年年底 开工。



12. [Australia] Kogan Gas Fired Power Plant Project (Planning)

      [澳大利亚] CS 能源公司的 Kogan瓦斯发电项目 (策划)


Project Name: Kogan Gas Fired Power Plant Project

Owner: CS Energy

Owner JV: CS Energy and Iberdrola

Location: Kogan Creek, Queensland, Australia

Capacity: 200MW

Amount: U$ 200 Mill.


-This project is also known as Kogan Hydrogen-Ready Gas Peaking Power Plant.

-Queensland government has pledged to develop the hydrogen-ready gas peaking power plant on 30 Sep. 2022.

-CS Energy and Iberdrola are partnering to build, own, and operate the project.

-The project is expected to be online in 2026.


澳大利亚昆士兰政府提倡绿氢为燃料的 发电厂政策中,2022930 澳大利亚 CS 能源公司和西班牙 Iberdrola共同表明 BOO方式开发绿氢为燃料的发电厂。这项目是能利用绿氢为燃料的 200MW级来 昆士兰州 Kogan Creek 地区建设的 2亿美元的工程,预计2026年商业投产为目标。



13. [USA] Beaumont Blue Ammonia Plant Project (EPC Awarded)

      [美国] OCI 公司 Beaumont 绿氨装置项目 (总包决定)


Project Name: Beaumont Blue Ammonia Plant Project

Owner: OCI

Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA

Capacity: 1,100,000T/Y (3,000 T/D) of Blue Ammonia

Amount: U$ 450 Mill.

Licensor: KBR


-Maire Tecnimont was awarded an EPCM contract worth $230M on 22 Mar. 2022.

-The plant entails a 3,000T/D blue ammonia synloop plus the necessary utilities and facilities.

-Construction activities will be executed by another party under a different contract.

-KBR was awarded a technology contract by Tecnimont on 3 Oct. 2022.

-KBR will supply the technology license, basic engineering design, proprietary equipment and catalyst.

-The project is expected to start operation in Q1 2025.


 总公司在荷兰的 多国际化工集团 OCI招标的美国 博蒙特地区,103日绿氢项目的专利选为 美国KBR公司。

这绿氢装置是投入4.5亿美元,在德州博蒙特市建设 年产110万吨规模的装置。 2022322日意大利泰克尼蒙特公司已签了2.3亿美元的 EPCM协议。 工程是较快的速度来进行, 2025年 第一季度商业生产为目标。



14. [USA] New Generation Gas Gathering (NG3) and CCS Project (FID)

      [美国] Moment Midstream 公司 新一代集气(NG3)和 集碳管网及储存项目 (最终投资决定)


Project Name: New Generation Gas Gathering (NG3) and CCS Project

Owner: Momentum Midstream

Location: Haynesville Shale, Louisiana, USA

Capacity: 442Km Pipeline (1.7 BCF/D) and CCS of 2 Mill. T/Y of CO2

Amount: U$ 1,500 Mill.


-FID was reached on 24 Sep. 2022.

-The NG3 project will feature 442km of new gas gathering pipelines providing an initial capacity of 1.7 BCF/D, 

  expandable to 2.2 BCF/D.

-The CCS project will capture and permanently store up to 2 million T/Y of CO2.

-The project is expected to start-up operation in H2 2024.


 2022924 发布美国 Momentum Midstream 公司 推行的 新一代的 集氢管网及绿氢储存设施项目投资消息。

这项目是投资15亿美元 Haynesville 地区 ShaleGas 油田建年储存200万吨的绿氢设施和 一天能够输送17亿立方米442km的长输气管道网的项目。计划 2024年下半年头产。.



15. [Brazil] Buzios P-82 FPSO Project (EPC Awarded)

      [巴西] 巴西国家石油公司 Buzios P-82 浮式生产储存卸货装置 项目(总包决定)


Project Name: Buzios P-82 FPSO Project

Owner: Petrobras

Owner JV: Petrobras 85%, CNOOC 10% & CNODC 5%

Location: Santos Pre-Salt Oil Field, Brazil

Capacity: 225,000B/D of Oil, 12 Mill. M3/D of Gas, with Storage Capacity of 1.6 Mill. Barrels of Crude

Amount: U$ 3,040 Mill.

FEED: Doris (2020)


-Petrobras started the EPC tendering process for two FPSOs (P-80 & P-82) project on 30 Apr. 2021.

-P-80 & P-82 have the same capacity as Almirante Tamandare FPSO, which serve on the same field on a charter basis.

-The prequalified bidders were HHI, DSME, Keppel, Sembcorp, SBM, Saipem, TechnipFMC, Modec, and Toyo.

-The Brazil’s EBR and Queiroz Galvão are also invited to bid.

-Two Singaporean firms only, Keppel and Sembcorp submitted the bids on 30 May 2022.

-Keppel offered the same $2.98B for P-82, while SembCorp submitted at $3.73B.

-SBM Offshore, DSME and HHI declined the chance to bid.

-Petrobras has qualified the Sembcorp Marine’s commercial for P-82 FPSO on 13 Sep. 2022.

-As per the tender rules, each platform (P-80 and P-82) must be provided by a different supplier.

-During the negotiations, Petrobras managed to reduce Sembcorp’s P-82 offer to US$3.04B.

-Sembcorp Marine signed an EPC contract for P-82 FPSO on 4 Oct. 2022.

-The FPSO will also be equipped with CCUS technology to combine increased productivity with reduced emissions.

-The FPSO is expected to enter operation in 2026.


巴西国家石油公司招标的 P-82浮式生产储存卸货装置项目, 2022104 新加坡 公司 胜科海事工业公司拿下了。 这项目是在Santos地区建设 日产225千吨原油和 日产1,200m³瓦斯生产设施的浮式生产储存卸货装置工程。 20225月截止的招标里Keppel公司 P-80 P-82 两个FPSO 包都报了最低价 但招标规定中一家公司只能拿一个包的规定, 才胜科海事也拥有了机会。因此巴西国家石油公司与胜科海事 协调 投标价 37.4亿美元改为 30.4亿美元。



16. [Chile] Gente Grande Wind & Green Ammonia Project (PMC Awarded)

      [智利] Gente Grande 风力发电基地 和绿氨项目 (项目管理公司选定)


Project Name: Gente Grande Wind & Green Ammonia Project

Owner: Transitional Energy Group (TEG)

Owner JV: TEG, Arcadis, and Huara Energy

Location: Tierra del Fuego, Magallanes, Chile

Capacity: 1,300,000T/Y of Green Ammonia with 3GW Wind Farm

Amount: U$ 8,000 Mill.

PMC: Petrofac


-The JV agreed to exploit southern Chile’s wind resources for green hydrogen production on 24 Mar. 2022.

-The conceptual design was already completed.

-Petrofac was selected as the owner’s engineer on 4 Oct. 2022.

-The environmental impact assessment is planned to be submitted to Chilean authorities by the end of 2023.

-The first phase of project is due on stream in 2026.


 104日英国 Transitional 能源集团策划的 Gente Grande 风力发电基地 和绿氨项目 项目管理公司为 英国 Petrofac 公司发布,这项目是在智利 Megallanes 州 Tierra del Fuego地区  逐渐建 3,000MW级风力发电机第和130万吨绿氨装置的总投资80亿美元的大型工程项目。 TEG公司,2023年年底将会提出环境影响评估书智利政府。 第一阶段项目将会2025年完成。



17. [Denmark] Hillerod Biologics Plant Project (EPCM Awarded)

      [丹麦] 日本富士胶片生物制药的 Hillerod Biologics 装置项目 (EPCM选定)


Project Name: Hillerod Biologics Plant Project

Owner: Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies (FDB)

Location: Hillerod, Frederiksborg, Denmark

Capacity: Biologics Drug Substance Manufacturing Facility

Amount: U$ 900 Mill.

-Fujifilm announced an investment of $928M in Denmark to double its existing capacity in Jun. 2020.

-The investment will also improve the facility’s existing assembly, labelling and packaging services.

-Fluor was awarded a contract for procurement and construction management of biologics plant on 30 Sep. 2022.

-Fluor has performed the planning and enabling work for this project, and construction is now underway

-The project is scheduled to be operational by 2025.


日本富士胶片生物制药公司 招标的 Hilerod Biologics 项目是 2022930日美国福禄拿下了。 福禄的工作范围是设备采购和工程施工监理。 这项目是投资9亿美元在 丹麦 Frederiksborg Hilerod地区建设 大规模的生物医药原料设施的工程。这项目是 福禄策划, 准备前端准备的项目, 施工也正在进行。 预计 2025年投产。 这项目投产之後可以生产各种疫苗,肿瘤治疗药品而做出提高人类的生活质量。



